Sunday 3 November 2013

Pacific Rim Opening Sequence (sci-fi)

The scene opens in pitch black. Then camera then zooms into a close up of an electric blue crack in the ocean with sparks and electric pulses coming from it. The camera then cuts to a scene of the golden gate bridge being attacked by a large creature.The camera is is made to be shaky to add to the effect of an earth quake like traumatic moment. The camera then closes up and pans left tracking the car as its thrown across the bridge.The camera then switches to an angle looking up from the bridge,The cars falling into the eye line  of the camera making it to look like it was to be falling on top of you.There is daibree falling on top of the camera.This is similar to the next cut where there is water being splashed onto the lens of the camera.This gives the opening scene a realistic feel and makes you believe it is happening. This scene includes tracking shots,static shots, ariel views, pans, tilts, close ups,zooms, medium long shots and long shots and hand held shots giving it a wide variety of  camera angles.

Mise en scene
The lighting is different depending on the what is shown. A lot of the scene is shot outside there for they have used natural lighting for them.These were taken at different times of the day , therefore some parts are brighter than others.Other parts were taken inside and there for would have used studio lighting.The parts under the sea would have been done by a computer.
There doesn't seem to be any clear indication of make-up,apart from the one Asian woman shown wearing lipstick ,make-up ect. There is however a use of fake blood when the man's nose bled.

The first part of the opening scene is set under the ocean ,where the whole plot rises from, It then cuts to the city in this case the golden gate bridge  it keeps changing from the bridge to the ocean to the sky where they are fighting the creature.It then cuts to a  street with people running and then back to the bridge. We are shown a news report of the golden gate bridge collapsed completely.This then cuts to a scene of an office building where people are screaming and running for their lives.This then cuts to a wasteland of burning litter with reactions across the world from the media including world leaders.The scene as a whole shows places from all around the world being attacked by these monsters.It then shows you clips of the robots sent out to attack them within the labs they are created.

There is a small distant diagetic piece of music playing in the background.Over the top of this music is loud roars,planes, bullets, reporters talking, screams,bells, breaking of buildings, sirens,metallic grinding, robotic movement, hospital beebs, and crowds.There is also a voice over (presumably the main character)  talking about what's happened.This overlaps all the rest of the sound in order for you to concern trait on him.

There is a clear indication of editing within this sequence.This is shown by the amount of cut scenes used.The sequence has used handheld shots to create the home video approach as well as the professional news reporter static shots. A lot of the stuff scene is professionally made CGI.


The sequence is shown to use cars,robots, robotic head gear ect.

The most noticeable costumes used within the sequence are: The bright yellow boiler suits, smart wear worn by new reporters and world leaders,casual wear worn by civilians, white boiler suits and white hard hats, robotic arms and head gear ,military uniform, monster costume worn in the Japanese studio and the strange horned costume worn by the Asian woman.

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