Sunday 3 November 2013



The movie opens with the camera focused on the light shade of the boys room.The camera then does a 360 degree turn to tilt down into the room of the boy This is extremely disorientating .This shot is a medium long shot of the boy laying asleep in his bed.The camera then pans right to guide you through the house, through the dark to be met by a candle lit figure zooming into a close up over her face.

Mise En Scene:
The Opening scene does not feature any costume per say however the boy we see in the opening is shown to be wearing dark blue pyjamas.The elderly woman is shrouded in darkness there fore you are unable to see what she is wearing, however it seems like she may be wearing a dress or long cloak of some kind.

The lighting used within this scene is extremely dark and almost pitch black at times. However the lighting does become brighter in places when there is more artificial lighting used .Although this is simply just dim.The only used lighting seems to be a small lava lamp , a bed side lamp , 2 lamps in the hall way and a candle held by the elderly woman.The scene seems to have been filmed maybe around 4 am due to how their is vaguely a glimmer of light showing through the windows.

Make up:  The only make up that is seen is the old woman's face. She has had make up used to create the old frail and creepy look she is presenting to the camera.

There is no sign of any props that have been used noticeably , However the elderly woman is holding a small dimly lit red candle up to her face,This adds for dramatic effect. Red could be interpreted to mean evil,danger,blood,anger.Any of these interpretations could be plausible

The opening scene is set in the main characters(the little boy) bedroom. However the full scene itself is set within a house.The camera leads us out of the boys room and throughout the hallways of the house.This allows us to explore the setting.

The  only sound within the opening sequence is a loud,eary and slightly unsettling diagetic piece of music.The music starts quite soft however the tempo and dynamics of the composition raises as we are led throughout the hallways. The music finally reaches its climax as we are faced with the elderly woman.

The sequence is shown to be one flowing piece,there doesn't seem to be any indication of cuts or camera swap.

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