Sunday 3 November 2013


The first shot is shown to be a medium shot of the girl running. I really admire the expression shown on her face as she was running away. They also captured a good use of match on action as she was running up the stairs. I liked the use of the blue filter to recreate the idea of night. This adds to the spookiness and thrill of the video. Before revealing the character they used his shadow to mask who he is.This draws a sense of curiosity to the audience.I like how they used the cut scenes to track a journey the girl was taking to hide.This opening sequence had a good use of mise en scene due to the constant change in location. This interests the audience alot more than just within one room.There is also a good use of slow motion editing to capture the girls expression of fear closer.This is shown by a close up, soon followed by a long shot.They accomplish tension by dragging out the chase with slow motion and the masking shadow of the killer.They use a wide variety of shots and angles to make the sequence interesting and thought provoking. I found the use of opera music in the background climatic and an add to the tension they were building.I also found the use of photoshopped  transitions and typography cleaver and effective.

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