Wednesday 2 October 2013

Evaluation of other juno videos

How was the use of camera shots?
Use of editing?
Use of lighting?
Overall success of video
  Ben Flatt
Charlotte Greggory
  The shots were good, however the camera was extremely shaky and would have been much more effective with the use of a wheeled object. The scenes look extremely similar so it is hard to see the swap in scenes.
  The editing was done exceptionally well. I really enjoyed how they accomplished the stylised cartoon style the original Juno creates. I feel the video could have used more transitions to show the swap in scenes like the original.
  No artificial lighting was used to create effect. only natural lighting was used due to the outside scenes in the original.
  I feel the video as a whole was decent however, with the use of a few tweaks it could have been much better.
  Lara eardly
  The first shot of dom walking down the street is extremely disorientating and shaky. However, this aside they managed to get the camera angles spot on and was able to keep the camera steady the rest of the time.Another thing i realised is that they were missing some scenes and were putting them in the wrong order which was an extremely bad mistake to make.
  I extremely liked the use of the stylised cartoon effect. This group in particular used the tree to start the effect exactly like in the original. The only things i would say about the editing would be on a personal view i disliked the use of slow motion.I also feel the transitions were well used and weren't too cheesy.
  No artificial lighting was used to create effect. only natural lighting was used due to the outside scenes in the original.
  I really enjoyed this attempt at the Juno video,However i was disappointed that there were missing scenes and some scenes out of place, it was a good attempt though.
Emma. R
James .c
 I really enjoyed how Stable the video was throughout. The scenes and angles were captured perfectly.One thing i thought was exceptionally impressive was the Ariel view.I say this because very few people accomplished it
I really liked the high res effect they used instead of the stylised cartoon effect. I liked it because it was different and somewhat more intriguing.I also liked the use of transitions throughout the video.
  No artificial lighting was used to create effect. only natural lighting was used due to the outside scenes in the original.
  I thought the video was really good overall. I couldn't find any flaws or things i feel i could change about the video.

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