Monday 30 September 2013

My story board for juno

Our recreation of Juno

For this tasked we were asked to recreate the opening credits to Juno. Juno played by Sarah was tracked by George using a variety of angles. We used long shots ,medium long shots , close ups, tracking,pans and tilts. We done this to try and get our video as close to the original as possible, However we did not accomplish the ariel view due to a few difficulties. My job was to be the runner in the video and to guide and co direct the video. During the filming and editing i learnt that keeping the camera steady is extremely hard and needs a tripod. Having the camera jolting is okay but is only truly effective when the scene uses hand held e.g running through a forest from a killer. For this task George clipped a tripod into his bike and tracked Sarah on the first scene. I learnt that tracking can be quite simple as long as you use the correct equipment for it.

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Legally blonde opening

It starts with blonde hair swaying back and forth. The motion of the blurred out hair disorientates you.The first thing i noticed that is extremely fluffy and mythologized is the bright pink highlighted diary style typography. The music is very preppy and girly showing you exactly how the main character will be.It starts the scene with slow motion brushing of her blonde hair.The tones are very soft and wavy. As the scene plays on we see alot of pink, realizing that this is going to be the stereo typical idea of a young girl, almost barbiefied. We go on to see a scene of a park. everyone is having fun on their way to school or just hanging out while there is one girl on her bike that stands out from the rest.

We are shown a very stereo typical view of girls on from the start. Blonde hair, small outfits, skinny bodies, big bust. This shows you something very exaggerated and very sexist to the point of being almost fantasy. We see close ups of the girl "elle" shaving her legs, painting her nails , doing her hair etc. making it so girlyfied its almost cheesy and sickly. At 1:34 all the girls are working out but as before, blonde hair and big bust. another indication of something so ridiculously stereo typical its almost mythologized.

The clip makes you feel as if your almost watching barbies dream house,as it goes on we get to see elle's room. Her room is filled with pink , fluffy things, pictures of her chihuahua and girly teenager things.Pay attention to the fact ALL of the girls are blonde. The "preferred" idea of a girl has always been skinny waist, blonde hair and big bust.This is giving the false indication that all women should be like this. However right at the end of the opening scene we see our first brunette within the campus that is somewhat partially covered up,very spunky attitude and very quirky however she looks very out of place. I feel this part is the wake up call that not all girls are clones, love pink and act like cover girls.The video features alot of enigma codes, such as: who is the girl on the bike?, what is the letter about? , why does everyone have blonde hair? , who is the girl at the door?

DYER'S theory

Black race

Sterio type: seen to  ALL be thugs, always in trouble , stealing things and carrying weapons this is what the media leads us to believe.
isnt americas president black?

Gay people

steriotype:People only ever see men to be gays. The media tends to only shows men when it comes to same sex relationships also the media potrays gay men to be very feminin wearing tight clothes.... But what are you most likely to see

This      or   This


Sterio type:You may see these kinds of people around where you live. However the media does over exagerate their image vastly potraying them to be depressed, dark, miserable  with black nails and black eyes. However people with this "alterantive" image are not always like that and simply just enjoy the style.

preferred and oppositional readings (HALL's theory).

For this task we were asked to analyse a second piece of media text and find the preferred and oppositional reading.I chose to analyse a piece of media text depicting snow white and the huntsman.

Preferred: snow white is looking into the lighter side of the forest with her back to the darkness  showing that she is the heroin of the story. The calm expression on her face makes the viewer feel comfort from her and gives her an instant likabillity factor. Snow white is surrounded by colour this has a positive effect on the scene.The composition of the media text has an extremely strong effect. snow white is centre screen so your eyes instantly are drawn to her.behind her is an intense white light that beems around her giving her a pure and beautiful  presence.

Oppositional: Unlike the traditional snow white, this one has a sharp dagger in her right hand. She is seen to be walking out from the dark side of the forest as if she has lots her innocense and become part of the forest. This could also be indicated from the clothes she is wearing.She is seen to be wearing a very dark boring brown dress almost as dark as the the forest on the left side.The calm look on her face could easily be mistaken for a very serious and almost remorsful look. As if she has killed someone with her dagger and feels guilty for it, now running away from the calamity she caused in the dark side of the woods.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

helpful videos i found

Something i watched over the weekend and found helpful

Pre teen- teen movie photo task

We were asked to go out and take 3 still images. Everyone was put into groups and given an audience and a genre. Our group got pre-teen , teen movie, for this reason we took a very high school musical, Disney kids movie approach.We thought of very cleshay ,cheesy american teenager poses. We also tried hard to make it seem as the two boys like the girl by keeping me in the middle each time but we also kept it very childish and preppy.

Personallity swap

Presentation on our new movie pitch. Our genre was comedy for young teens

My company logo

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Film poster semiotics annalysis

There is a man standing center screen shouting in anger with his arms out, behind him is an army. this shows that the film is about war fare. there is typography above the man in blood red capitals saying "tonight we dine in hell" This suggests a horror aspect to  the film. The picture uses a vast amount of blood this is a blatant indicator that there will be alot of blood shed throughout the film, however this would be obvious anyway due to the war aspect.The man is shown to us at the center of the screen,showing that he is the main character within this . the semiotics of  his arms out to the sides suggests that he is trying to show a sense of massiveness. He seems like he is trying to  make himself look bigger than what he is to show a threatening and intimidating look.

The lighting of this picture is shown to be a dull sepia tone. This makes the atmosphere sinister and dreary. It feels as if the reason they are making the background so dull and boring is to make the blood to a focal point. It is showing that blood is a big part of the film and is an obvious indicator of gore. Although blood can mean evil, i feel that the red could be an indicator of passion, passion not being love but being the passion they have for the reason they fight. The movie title 300 is shown as a splash of blood, This instantly reveals to the viewer that it will be gory, it also fore shadows the idea that something bad is going to happen to something surrounding the figure  300.

Friday 6 September 2013

Genre and opening sequence

Resident Evil 
Genre and Opening sequence
The opening scene is set in the middle of Tokyo, i feel it is set here because the crowded atmosphere adds to the moment, everyone is holding an umbrella. The scene is set  at night , around 7 o'clock or so and is raining extremely hard. The character highlighted in this scene is a young Asian girl wearing bright red heels and a dark blueish dress, her character is the only one not holding an umbrella, standing still,emotionless like a doll. I feel this was done in order to separate her character from the rest of the crowd,also the way she isn't phased by the rain shows that she is in someway different.The film is shown to be a horror/thriller , i notice this due to the tension caused by the slow motion at the start. As the opening progresses it suddenly speeds up to a scene where the girl and an average mans eyes meet, the young female then leaps on the man eating him in the process.showing the female to be a zombie type character.